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WEDNESDAY 30th April, 2014

10AM- 11AM: Red Carpet & Participants Registration Accreditation


The carpet event will commence by 10am prompt with guests arrival, media activities and participants registration accreditation.

15minutes BREAK(Lunch Session) 

2:45PM-3:30PM: MBES Focus Session & Interview

This session will address the opportunities of monetising music using social media as emerging artists & labels, music synchronization and licensing on the global music market and interviews with prominent artist managers, music CEOs and other music industry thought leaders.


Starting with Opening speeches from Organizers and Introduction of the 1st session Panelists

11:15AM – 11:30AMExecutive Summary On White paper (Opening Keynote Address)

In this session, we get right down to business, starting with the executive summary on the official white paper on *Content * Entrepreneurship *Monetization. 

​11:30AM - 1:30PM: MBES Speakers Introduction & Presentations

Introduction of speakers for the 1st Session. Find out from our special guest speakers more about the new music business strategies and new creative revenue streams available for emerging artists, independent labels and every other music business entrepreneurs. Focus to be on *Content * Entrepreneurship *Monetization.

​5:00PM - 5:30PM: Demo Shopping Session

The demo shopping session starts immediately after the  closing remark. Participants that register for the session will directed to the Demo Shopping space for music deals network opportunities. This includes Label registration, distribution deal negotiation, publicity etc. 

4:30PM - 5:00PM: Closing remark/Networking Session

After the break out sessions and feedbacks from the participants, follows the closing remark and networking sessions between industry executives and participants.

3:30PM-4:30PM:Break Out Sessions

This session will  feature keynote presentation from music focus social media and mobile startups CEOs and representatives.

Shopping Session


Sessions Schedule Are Subject to Change. But participants will be notify if such arises.

​1:30PM-2:30PM: MBES Panel Presentations

The 1st Panel Session with start will focus on all previous speakers discussions and auidence feedback. Participants will learn the importance of balancing creative and business endeavors for thriving music careers thus creating the needed experience for content in this new music market. We’ll explore everything you need to know about getting your content package, market and distribution streams in the digital age, plus legal and business resources needed in order to be a successful music business entrepreneur. The full focus of this session will be on *Content *Entrepreneurship * Monetization in the digital age with case studies and more.


Follow us the sessions on twitter with #MBES2014 and don't forget to follow @A2ME_Conference for more info.

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